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Country - Vietnam
Summary - Project Contractor Selection Plan: Painting Speed Bumps At Intersections In The District; Building Guardrails For Thanh Tan Village Culverts, Tru Huu Commune; Repairing Traffic Lights At Tan Tien Village Intersection, Tru Huu Commune, Luc Ngan District
Deadline - Nov 28, 2025
GT reference number - 98650883
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Vietnam
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98650883
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Project Contractor Selection Plan: Painting Speed Bumps At Intersections In The District; Building Guardrails For Thanh Tan Village Culverts, Tru Huu Commune; Repairing Traffic Lights At Tan Tien Village Intersection, Tru Huu Commune, L uc Ngan Districtlocal title:: Kế hoạch lựa chọn nhà thầu dự án: Sơn gờ giảm tốc các ngã ba, ngã tư trên địa bàn huyện; Làm hộ lan cống bản thôn Thanh Tân, xã Trù Hựu; sửa chữa đèn tín hiệu giao thông tại ngã tư thôn Tân Tiến, xã Trù Hựu, huyện Lục NgạnContract Type: : ConsultancyNet Budget LC: : 350000000.0 est_amount: 350000000.0 lot_details: 1: Traffic Safety Committee of
Gt Ref Id - 98650883
Deadline - Nov 28, 2025
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