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Country - France
Summary - Project Management Contract At Sketch Level + For The Construction Of A School Group In The Zac Du Favret
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 78028577
Product classification - Architectural services for buildings
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 78028577
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The municipality has decided to build a new school complex on 6,500 m2 of land. She wants an evolving project that will absorb a growing need with the development of the future Favret ZAC. The project is divided into firm sections and optional sectio ns which may, if necessary, be strengthened. Closed section: School group of 15 classes, including 6 nursery classes and 9 elementary classes, school catering in cold supply. Surface area in the work of 2,655 m2, 2,520 m2 of playground, 260 m2 of forecourt, 635 m2 of parking (25 VL spaces + 5 2-wheel spaces) and greening of free areas - Optional phase1: Addition of a meeting room motor skills - Section 2: Addition of a workshop for kindergartener
Gt Ref Id - 78028577
Deadline - Feb 21, 2024
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