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Country - France
Summary - Project Management Mission For The Redevelopment Of The Beaumont-Hague Town Hall To Accommodate The Maison Des Associations
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97097259
Product classification - Architectural services for buildings
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97097259
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Open adapted procedure (Article R2123-1 1° - Below the threshold of formalized procedures, R2172-1 et seq. of the Public Procurement Code Possible additional service type variants (PSE) are required by the buyer under the following cond itions: Scheduling, Steering and Coordination (OPC) mission defined in article 2.1 of the CCTPlocal title:: Mission de maîtrise d'oeuvre pour le réaménagement de la mairie déléguée de Beaumont-Hague afin d'accueillir la Maison des AssociationsContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Procédure adaptée ouverte (Article R2123-1 1° - Inférieure au seuil des procédures formalisées, R2172-1 et suivants du Code de la Commande publique De
Gt Ref Id - 97097259
Deadline - Dec 04, 2024
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