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Promote social actions to contribute to reducing environmental pollution through the proper management of solid waste at final disposal sites. Promote training and awareness of the proper management of solid waste at source. Build eco-friendly solutions by using valued waste, whether institutional, residential or any other type. Promote the circular economy as a new paradigm. Work with the national social fabric, city councils, mayors and the entire local administration to generate rapid government solutions.

ECO5RD Dominican Republic has Released a tender for Promote social actions to contribute to reducing environmental pollution through the proper management of solid waste at final disposal sites. Promote training and awareness of the proper management of solid waste at source. Build eco-friendly solutions by using valued waste, whether institutional, residential or any other type. Promote the circular economy as a new paradigm. Work with the national social fabric, city councils, mayors and the entire local administration to generate rapid government solutions. in Environment and Pollution. The tender was released on Nov 28, 2024.

Country - Dominican Republic

Summary - Promote social actions to contribute to reducing environmental pollution through the proper management of solid waste at final disposal sites. Promote training and awareness of the proper management of solid waste at source. Build eco-friendly solutions by using valued waste, whether institutional, residential or any other type. Promote the circular economy as a new paradigm. Work with the national social fabric, city councils, mayors and the entire local administration to generate rapid government solutions.

Deadline - Nov 23, 2025

GT reference number - 98604743

Product classification - Refuse and waste related services

Organization Details:

  Address - Dominican Republic

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98604743

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Promote social actions to contribute to reducing environmental pollution through the proper management of solid waste at final disposal sites. Promote training and awareness of the proper management of solid waste at source. Build eco-f riendly solutions by using valued waste, whether institutional, residential or any other type. Promote the circular economy as a new paradigm. Work with the national social fabric, city councils, mayors and the entire local administration to generate rapid government solutions.local title:: Promover acciones de índole social para contribuir a disminuir la contaminación ambiental a través del manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos, en los sit

Gt Ref Id - 98604743

Deadline - Nov 23, 2025

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