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Providing consumable items based on a call-off agreement for its vehicle’s maintenance.

Mwasalat Oman has Released a tender for Providing consumable items based on a call-off agreement for its vehicle’s maintenance. in Industry. The tender was released on Sep 25, 2023.

Country - Oman

Summary - Providing consumable items based on a call-off agreement for its vehicle’s maintenance.

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 72180852

Product classification - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items

Organization Details:

  Address - Oman

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 72180852

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Tender Number T- 41-2023 Tender Announcement “Mwasalat” invites professional firms for the following tender: I Tender Name Call Off Agreement for the Supply of Consumable items for MWASALAT Vehicles Maintenance, ."illtnlgn cibpju ‘I |lnl~> II r iilinl ritnrrSAll niSilpim ill ilgn I1 ■ i IK II < inn iijgi'll nirilri'fl 1 Project 1 Summary MWASALAT is seeking a qualified supplier to provide consumable items based on a call-off agreement for its vehicle’s maintenance. I Tender Fee NIL ■ Grade & I Qualified & Specialized Companies in the Specialty I Field holding SME/Riyada cards The Tender documents may be shared by email during official working hours between 9:00A.M - 2:00 P.M. ■

Gt Ref Id - 72180852

Deadline - Oct 15, 2023

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