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Parisankshyan Bhawan, Heads of Department Building Campus Unit-V, Bhubaneswar, PIN-751 001 Ph-067 4-239 1 295, e-M ail : desbhs(@omai l. cgm de-s-bFsr@gov. in order No Ll,q|l,,, tDES-oEV-Mtsc-0004 -2o2tsa:re I f t o7 tYL3 TENDER NOTICE (For award of contract for outsourcing the function of 13 (Thirteen) numbers of peon & Services of gardening for Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Bhubaneswar) Sealed tenders are invited from intending service providing agencies for outsourcing the function of services of 13 Numbers of Peon & gardening for Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on contract basis. The detail information for outsourcing ine services of aforesaid work has been given in the tender document which may either be downloaded from the website of DE&S or obtained in person from the office of the Director, Economicb & Statistics, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on payment of Rs.500/- in cash or in shape of Bank Draft for Rs. 500/- (Non-Refundable) in favour D.D.O., DE&S, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on any working day from 17.O7.2023 to 07.08.2023 between 11.00 AM to 4.00 P.M. The downloaded Tender document from the website should be submitted along with a Bank DrafU Bankers Cheque of Rs. 500/- (Non-Refundable). The tender document will be received only through Speed Post /Registered Post during office hour only. The last date and time for receipt of filled in Tender documents is 07.08. 5.00 P.M. The office shall not be responsible for any kind of postal delay. Memo No YO0"L Date: l{l ill-Z Copy of the Tender Call Notice (Hard copy and Soft copy) forwarded to Director, I & PR with a request to take necessary action for early publication of the Tender Call Notice in two widely circulated Odia daily newspapers and one local edition of English daily newspaper. Memo No. V6?3 i Director ( Date: t s/ 7/ >t Copy along with hard copy and soft copy of the Tender Notice and Tender Document Director, Economics & Statistics. Joint Director ( Memo ruo. ? 6rY I Date:f ;l f-lB Joint Director (Admin.) I AO Y9 oCopy to the Notice Board/ RIPAE&S/ HOD Building ;J “TENDER FOR OUTSOURCING OF FUNCTIONS OF PEONS & SERVICES OF GARDENING” Directorate of Economics & Statistics Bhubaneswar, Odisha TENDER NOTICE Bid Reference No. Dated Bids in sealed cover are invited under two-bid system from reputed and experienced service providing agency for providing Office Support Services of Peons and Services of gardening for the Directorate of Economics & Statistics at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The details of the bidding process are as follows: Sl. No Bidding Schedule Deadline 1 Date of Issue 15.07.2023 2 Bid Submission 17.07.2023 to 07.08.2023 3 Bid Due Date and Time 07.08.2023 by 5 P.M 4 Opening of Technical Bid 10.08.2023 at 11 A.M 5 Opening and Financial Bid 14.08.2023 at 3 P.M Bidders are required to submit the technical and financial bids separately. The bids in sealed Cover-I containing “Technical Bid” and sealed Cover-II containing “Financial Bid” should be placed in a third sealed cover super-scribed “Bid for Outsourcing of functions of Peons & Services of gardening” must reach the undersigned on or before 07.08.2023 by 5.00 P.M. through Speed Post/Registered Post/ Courier only. The bid documents containing eligibility criteria, scope of the work, terms and conditions of the tender and draft agreement can be downloaded from the website . Complete address for submission of bid Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Unit-V, Keshari Nagar, Bhubaneswar -751001 Name and Designation of the Authority I N D E X Sl. No. Section Description Page 1. Section-I Instruction to Bidders 2. Section-II Scope of the Work 3. Section-III General Terms and Conditions 4. Section-IV Technical Bid 5. Section-V Financial Bid 6. Section- VI Bid Submission Checklist 7. Section-VII Service Agreement& PBG Format SECTION-I Instruction to Bidders A. General Information: 1. T h e D i r e c t o r a t e o f E c o n o m i c s & S t a t i s t i c s , B h u b a n e s w a r , O d i s h a requires the service of reputed, well established, financially sound and registered Service Providers to provide service of function of peons and services of gardening by deploying adequately trained and disciplined man power at The Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Odisha as per the requirement. 2. The period of contract for providing the aforesaid service will be ideally for one (1) Year from the date of effectiveness of the contract. The contract may be extended for a period, not exceeding the original duration of the contract on mutual consent depending upon the performance of the Service provider and at the discretion of the authority at a time. The authority reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time after giving 30 days’ notice to the service Provider. 3. The interested bidders may visit the location on any working day between the office hours to have a thorough knowledge of the work to be performed before preparation and submission of the bid. |