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Country - Romania
Summary - Provision Medicines Veterinary Use
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 104011187
Product classification - Vaccines for veterinary medicine
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104011187
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Direct acquisition by the special intervention unit in emergency situations (U.M. 0629), as a beneficiary, providing veterinary use medicines, 25 kg, age 1 year: no. crt product name quantity U/m 1 cough cough Nobivac KC 4 doses 2 Dog Pl us Chew (Praziquentel 50 mg, pirantel emboned 144 mg, fenbendazole 200 mg) 8 tb/box 7 boxes 3 nexgard tablets L 5 boxeslocal title:: FURNIZARE MEDICAMENTE UZ VETERINARContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Achizitia directa de catre Unitatea Speciala de Intervetie în Situatii de Urgenta (U.M. 0629), în calitate de Beneficiar, a FURNIZARE MEDICAMENTE UZ VETERINAR pentru caini de serviciu, 25 kg, varsta 1 an: Nr. crt Denumire produs Cantitat
Gt Ref Id - 104011187
Deadline - Feb 27, 2025
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