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Country - Iraq
Summary - Provision of 1. Wheat seed eradication pesticides 2. Insecticides for tortoises and turtles 3. Pesticides for harmful insects
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 92559778
Product classification - Pesticides
Address - Iraq
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 92559778
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Provision of 1. Wheat seed eradication pesticides 2. Insecticides for tortoises and turtles 3. Pesticides for harmful insectsnotice_title: Provision of 1. Wheat seed eradication pesticides 2. Insecticides for tortoises and turtles 3. Pes ticides for harmful insectsContract Type: : Serviceslocal title:: دابین كردنی 1قڕكهری قهڵاچۆكردنی بژاری گهنم جۆری پهلك پان 2 قڕكهری مێرووی سن و كیسهڵه 3- قڕكهری مێرووی زیانبهخش
Gt Ref Id - 92559778
Deadline - Sep 17, 2024
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