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Country - Tunisia
Summary - Provision of Chott El Fejjij and improve the drinking water supply of Bouderiess, Bouchebka, Darnayah and the Mansoura subdivision: − Equipment and electrification of the two boreholes CF8 and CF9 − Equipment and electrification of the SP pumping stations and boreholes − Equipment and electrification of two boreholes and a SS booster station
Deadline - Dec 24, 2025
GT reference number - 104634584
Product classification - Works related to water-distribution pipelines
Address - Tunisia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104634584
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Provision of Chott El Fejjij and improve the drinking water supply ofBouderiess, Bouchebka, Darnayah and the Mansoura subdivision:− Equipment and electrification of the two boreholesCF8 and CF9− Equipment and electrification of the S P pumping stations and boreholes− Equipment and electrification of two boreholes and a SS booster stationlocal title:: Projets de renforcement des ressources d'eau àChott El Fejjij et d'amélioration de l'AEP deBouderiess, Bouchebka, Darnayah et dulotissement Mansoura :− Équipement et électrificaƟon des deux foragesCF8 et CF9− Équipement et électrificaƟon des staƟons depompage SP et des forage− Équipement et électrificaƟon de d
Gt Ref Id - 104634584
Deadline - Dec 24, 2025
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