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Country - Australia
Summary - Provision Of Medical, Health And Aged Care Consumables
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 94006304
Product classification - Disposable non-chemical medical consumables and haematological consumables
Address - Australia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 94006304
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: TAFE Queensland has issued this Invitation to Offer with a view to establishing contract/s with one or more suppliers to provide consumables for Medical, Health and Aged Care to all campuses that deliver these courses throughout Queensla nd. Depending on requirements, these goods include but are not limited to:DressingsSyringes, Needles & LancetsGlovesBlood TubesTourniquetsSanitising wipes and hand rubsApronsAmpoulesFor detailed information on the specific goods sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Document" and “Product List and Pricing Schedule”.TAFE Queensland offers the opportunity for suppliers to tender for selected locations or by region.notice_ti
Gt Ref Id - 94006304
Deadline - Oct 21, 2024
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