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Country - Canada
Summary - Provision of Multifunction Photocopier and Service
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 70736835
Product classification - Photocopying services
Address - Canada
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 70736835
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - THE CORPORATION OFTHE TOWNSHIP OF MCKELLARInvitesREQUESTS FOR PROPOSALSRFP-2023-12Multifunction Photocopier and Servicelocated at 701 Hwy 124, McKellar, ONSealed Tenders, clearly markedRFP-2023-12will be received by the undersigneduntil 2:00 p.m.on T hursday, September 14th, 2023Lowest or any Proposal not necessarily accepted.Ina Watkinson, Clerk/AdministratorTownship of McKellarP.O. Box 69, 701 Hwy 124McKellar, ON P0G 1C0clerk@mckellar.caPlease Note: Prior to submitting a Proposal, further information may be obtained by contactingIna Watkinson, Clerk/Administrator at clerk@mckellar.caTOWNSHIP OF MCKELLARREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)MULTIFUNCTION PHOTOCOPIER AND SERVICERFP-2023-12Submission Form
Gt Ref Id - 70736835
Deadline - Sep 14, 2023
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