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Provision of Proposed construction of 1No Laboratory at Ilwasingishu Secondary School (Lolgorian Ward), 6No classrooms, ablution block & Staff Quarters at Rayan girls’ secondary school (Siana Ward), library at Ololulunga Boys’ Secondary School- (ololunga Ward), 2no 8door Ablution Block, A Dormitory and Renovation of Classroom at Ongata Naado Secondary School-, (Mosiro Ward), 2no.Classrooms And a Dormitory at Lemek Primary School- (Mara ward)

NAROK COUNTY GOVERNMENT Kenya has Released a tender for Provision of Proposed construction of 1No Laboratory at Ilwasingishu Secondary School (Lolgorian Ward), 6No classrooms, ablution block & Staff Quarters at Rayan girls’ secondary school (Siana Ward), library at Ololulunga Boys’ Secondary School- (ololunga Ward), 2no 8door Ablution Block, A Dormitory and Renovation of Classroom at Ongata Naado Secondary School-, (Mosiro Ward), 2no.Classrooms And a Dormitory at Lemek Primary School- (Mara ward) in Building. The tender was released on Oct 14, 2024.

Country - Kenya

Summary - Provision of Proposed construction of 1No Laboratory at Ilwasingishu Secondary School (Lolgorian Ward), 6No classrooms, ablution block & Staff Quarters at Rayan girls’ secondary school (Siana Ward), library at Ololulunga Boys’ Secondary School- (ololunga Ward), 2no 8door Ablution Block, A Dormitory and Renovation of Classroom at Ongata Naado Secondary School-, (Mosiro Ward), 2no.Classrooms And a Dormitory at Lemek Primary School- (Mara ward)

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 95444277

Product classification - Construction work for school buildings

Organization Details:

  Address - Kenya

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 95444277

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Provision of Proposed construction of 1No Laboratory atIlwasingishu Secondary School (LolgorianWard), 6No classrooms,ablution block & Staff Quarters at Rayangirls’ secondary school (Siana Ward), library atOlolulunga Boys’ Secondary S chool-(ololunga Ward), 2no 8doorAblution Block, A Dormitory andRenovation of Classroom at Ongata NaadoSecondary School-, (Mosiro Ward), 2no.ClassroomsAnd a Dormitory at Lemek Primary School-(Mara ward)notice_title: Provision of Proposed construction of 1No Laboratory atIlwasingishu Secondary School (LolgorianWard), 6No classrooms,ablution block & Staff Quarters at Rayangirls’ secondary school (Siana Ward), library atOlolulunga Boys’ Secondary

Gt Ref Id - 95444277

Deadline - Oct 15, 2024

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