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Country - Brazil
Summary - Provision of services for the seizure, capture and custody of large animals (horses, cattle, donkeys, pigs, buffalo, goats and sheep), alive, loose and/or abandoned on the roads of the urban and rural perimeter of the municipality of São Gonçalo, state of Rio de Janeiro, including transportation, food, medication, laboratory tests, accommodation and monitoring by a veterinarian.according to the specifications contained in this Notice
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 90069010
Product classification - Provision of services to the community
Address - Brazil
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 90069010
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Provision of services for the seizure, capture and custody of large animals (horses, cattle, donkeys, pigs, buffalo, goats and sheep), alive, loose and/or abandoned on the roads of the urban and rural perimeter of the municipality of Sã o Gonçalo, state of Rio de Janeiro, including transportation, food, medication, laboratory tests, accommodation and monitoring by a veterinarian.according to the specifications contained in this Noticelocal title:: Prestação de serviços de apreensão, captura e guarda de animais de grande porte (equinos, bovinos, asininos, suínos, bubalino, caprinos e ovinos), vivos, soltos e/ou abandonados nas Vias do Perímetro Urbano e Rural do Município
Gt Ref Id - 90069010
Deadline - Aug 16, 2024
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