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Country - Sudan
Summary - Provision Of S/Nfis To Ids Affectated By Famine In Krenek And Habila Locality Of In West Darfur. Providing And Supplying Blankets And Waxes For The Displaced People Affected By Starvation In The Krowth And Habella Locality In West Darfur State.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 103103530
Product classification - Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork
Address - Sudan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103103530
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Description:Date: 10/2/2025Subject: Provision of S/NFIS to Idps Affectated by Famine in KreNek and Habila Locality of in West Darfur.Subject: Providing and supplying blankets and waxes for the displaced people affected by starvation in t he Cranek and Habella locality in West Darfur State.Hope Organization Invites Qualified and Interests Suppliers to Submit Bids for the Supply and Provision of S/Nfis to Idps Affectated by Famine in West Darfur. If you are intended in submitting a bid, you can download Boq For Supply and Provision Of S/NFIS to Idps Affectated by Famine in West Darfur.the priceThe required quantityStatementM 500TarpaulinTarPaulin (Size 8ft*8ft and Color White or Bl
Gt Ref Id - 103103530
Deadline - Feb 20, 2025
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