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Country - Philippines
Summary - Provision Of Various Reagents For Research And Experiments.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 104391405
Product classification - Water-treatment chemicals
Address - Philippines
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104391405
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 1 500g/bottle Calcium Chloride , ACS/ Analytical grade1 500g Sodium Citrate1 25g Basic Fuschin1 2.5L Ethyl Acetate1 1kg/bottle Sodium Hydroxide 1kg1 500mL Lugol's Iodine1 500g Calcium Chloride, dihydrate1 500g Urea1 500g Calcium Carbide1 1L Bromine Water1 500g Sodium Chloride , Analytical grade1 500ml Schiff’s Reagent1 1kg/pack Calcium Carbide1 2.5L Ethyl Acetate, 2.5L/bottle10 bottles Denatured Alcohol, 5L/bottle1 2.5L Dimethyl Sulphoxide, DMSO, AR1 500g Calcium Carbide1 100ml Turbidity Standard, 100 NTU, 100 mL3 1kg Silica Gel-Self indicating and reusable 1kg/bottle2 500 gms/bottle Potato Dextrose Agar, 500 g1 set (500 gms/bottle) Gram Stainint Set (500 ml Safranin, 500ml De
Gt Ref Id - 104391405
Deadline - Mar 10, 2025
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