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Country - Italy
Summary - Public Administration Electronic Market Call for the Execution of General and Specialized Works
Deadline - Jan 31, 2029
GT reference number - 103390911
Product classification - Prefabricated buildings
Address - Italy
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103390911
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Public Administration Electronic Market Call for the Execution of General and Specialized Workslocal title:: Bando del Mercato Elettronico della P.A. per l’esecuzione di lavori di opere generali e specializzateContract Type: : Service lot_details: 27: Error 500 (Server Error)!!1500.That’s an error.There was an error. Please try again later.That’s all we know., 2: Error 500 (Server Error)!!1500.That’s an error.There was an error. Please try again later.That’s all we know., 12: Error 500 (Server Error)!!1500.That’s an error.There was an error. Please try again later.That’s all we know., 13: Error 500 (Server Error)!!1500.That’s an error.There was an error. Please
Gt Ref Id - 103390911
Deadline - Jan 31, 2029
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