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Country - France
Summary - Public Market Relating To A Project Management Mission For The Development Of Quai Wilson And Boulevard Gustave Roch Near The Chu On The Isle Of Nantes
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 80892884
Product classification - Architectural and related services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 80892884
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The contract is a project management contract covering the design and execution monitoring, until the end of the Guarantee of Perfect Completion, of public spaces in the immediate vicinity of the new University Hospital on the Island of Nantes. These public spaces, located on the perimeter of Quai Wilson and Boulevard Gustave Roch, are among the major public spaces of the Ile de Nantes. They represent one of the last pedestrian continuities to be developed to finalize the Tour de lIle de Nantes.local title:: MARCHE PUBLIC PORTANT SUR UNE MISSION DE MAITRISE DÅ’UVRE POUR LAMENAGEMENT DU QUAI WILSON ET DU BOULEVARD GUSTAVE ROCH AUX ABORDS DU CHU SUR LILE DE NANTEStype_of_procedure
Gt Ref Id - 80892884
Deadline - Apr 29, 2024
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