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Country - Germany
Summary - Public Tender Vob/A Civil Engineering/Landscape Construction Work Demolishing Natural Stone Slabs: 220 M², Demolishing Deep Curbs: 90 M, Mineral Mixture 145 T, Path Edging + Mowing Edge Runner Row: 205 M, Concrete Paving Stone Multi-Size: 215 . More
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 98397846
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98397846
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: e) Place of execution: Flur 6, Flurstück 26/1, Gemarkung Stadt Idsteinlocal title:: Öffentliche Ausschreibung VOB/ATiefbau-/LandschaftsbauarbeitenNatursteinplattenbelag abbrechen: 220 m², Tiefbord abbrechen: 90 m, Mineralgemisch 145 t , Wegeeinfassung+Mähkante Läuferzeile: 205 m, Betonsteinpflaster Mehrgrößen: 215 . mehrlocal description: : e) Ort der Ausführung: Flur 6, Flurstück 26/1, Gemarkung Stadt Idstein lot_details: 1: Public tender VOB/ACivil engineering/landscape construction workDemolishing natural stone slabs: 220 m², demolishing deep curbs: 90 m, mineral mixture 145 t, path edging + mowing edge runner row: 205 m, concrete paving stone multi-size: 215 .more
Gt Ref Id - 98397846
Deadline - Dec 10, 2024
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