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Country - France
Summary - Public Works Contract For The Development Of Roads, 'Quartier Des Residences' Subdivision For The Town Of Toussus-Le-Noble (78)
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 76001054
Product classification - Road construction works
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 76001054
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - This consultation concerns road development works in the 'Quartier des Demeures' subdivision Adapted open procedure (articles L. 2123-1 and R. 2123-1°1 of the CCP) Market not allocated within the meaning of article L2113 -10 of the Public Procuremen t Code, because its purpose does not allow the identification of distinct services. The contract includes a Firm Tranche and seven Optional Tranches in accordance with articles R2113-4 to R2113-6 of the Ccp.-Firm tranche: development work in the residences district-Optional section No. 1: 4 parking spaces on rue Lucien Rougerie-Optional section No. 2: Chemin de la Rigole-Optional section No. 3: Allée des Glaneurs-Optional section No. 4: 4 parkin
Gt Ref Id - 76001054
Deadline - Jan 26, 2024
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