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Country - Czech Republic
Summary - "Pumping And Disposal Of Wastewater From The Sono Landfill" Framework Agreement 2025 -2029
Deadline - Jan 03, 2025
GT reference number - 99944086
Product classification - Treatment and disposal of foul liquids
Address - Czech Republic
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99944086
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The aim of this tender procedure is to conclude a framework agreement with one or more tender participants who, before signing the contract, submit or demonstrate – compliance with all required qualification criteria and the competence to perform the public contract set by the contracting authority.The meaning of a framework agreement lies in the fact that the contracting parties, where they expect a longer-term business relationship (in this case, a relationship for 4 years from 1.1.2025 to 31.12.2029), establish, through the concluded framework agreement, the basic rules to which all specific (so-called implementation) contracts concluded on its basis in the future will be s
Gt Ref Id - 99944086
Deadline - Jan 03, 2025
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