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Country - Vietnam
Summary - Purchase Materials For Practical Experiments In Subjects: Digital Electronics, Microprocessor Engineering, Analog Electronics 1,2 School Of Electricity - Electronics
Deadline - Dec 16, 2025
GT reference number - 99886400
Product classification - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Address - Vietnam
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99886400
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Materials For Practical Experiments In Subjects: Digital Electronics, Microprocessor Engineering, Analog Electronics 1,2 School Of Electricity - Electronicslocal title:: Mua sắm vật tư phục vụ thực hành thí nghiệ m môn: Điện tử số, Kỹ thuật vi xử lý, ĐT tương tự 1,2 Trường Điện – Điện tửNet Budget LC: : 78250000.0 est_amount: 78250000.0 lot_details: 1: Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Gt Ref Id - 99886400
Deadline - Dec 16, 2025
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