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Country - Denmark
Summary - Purchase Of A Special Vehicle That Is Particularly Suitable For Fires In Large And Complex Buildings, Including Chemical Companies
Deadline - Oct 31, 2025
GT reference number - 96689803
Product classification - Firefighting vehicles
Address - Denmark
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 96689803
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Southwest Jutland Fire Service wants to purchase a special vehicle that is particularly suitable for fires in large and complex buildings, including chemical companies. The special vehicle must be designed in such a way that it is pa rticularly suitable for chemical operations, where it must be possible to quickly deploy very large volumes of air and water in a water mist consisting of water droplets no larger than 400 my.The vehicle is expected to be delivered 1/1 2027.The ordering party would very much like to engage in dialogue with all potential tenderers for the best possible market dialogue. All interested parties are therefore encouraged to express their interest in Co
Gt Ref Id - 96689803
Deadline - Oct 31, 2025
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