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Purchase Of Building Materials, Peat, Coal, Stoves, Seeds And Seedlings Of Flowers, Benches And Oilcloths Haridi Masolehi Sokhtmoni, Peat, Angishtsang, Stove, Tukhmiyu Niholi Gul, Kursi Va Oilcloth

Государственное производственное предприятие Выращивание декоративных саженцев город Бохтар, Хатлонской области Tajikistan has Released a tender for Purchase Of Building Materials, Peat, Coal, Stoves, Seeds And Seedlings Of Flowers, Benches And Oilcloths Haridi Masolehi Sokhtmoni, Peat, Angishtsang, Stove, Tukhmiyu Niholi Gul, Kursi Va Oilcloth in Industry. The tender was released on Dec 16, 2024.

Country - Tajikistan

Summary - Purchase Of Building Materials, Peat, Coal, Stoves, Seeds And Seedlings Of Flowers, Benches And Oilcloths Haridi Masolehi Sokhtmoni, Peat, Angishtsang, Stove, Tukhmiyu Niholi Gul, Kursi Va Oilcloth

Deadline - Jan 06, 2025

GT reference number - 99919412

Product classification - Miscellaneous articles

Organization Details:

  Address - Tajikistan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99919412

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Building Materials, Peat, Coal, Stoves, Seeds And Seedlings Of Flowers, Benches And OilclothsHaridi Masolehi Sokhtmoni, Peat, Angishtsang, Stove, Tukhmiyu Niholi Gul, Kursi Va Oilclothlocal title:: Закупка строи ельных материалов, торфа, каменного угля, печи, семена и рассады цветов, скамейки и клеёнкиХариди масолеҳи сохтмонӣ, торф, ангиштсанг, печка, тухмию ниҳоли гул, курсӣ ва клеёнкаContract Type: : Supply lot_details: 1: Oilcloth, 2: Seedling, 3: Petunia flower seedlings, 4: Metal stove, 5: Coal, 6: Peat, 7:

Gt Ref Id - 99919412

Deadline - Jan 06, 2025

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