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Country - Panama
Summary - Purchase Of Cleaning Supplies And Didactic Material For Use In The Educational Center
Deadline - Mar 02, 2025
GT reference number - 103416225
Product classification - Disinfectants
Address - Panama
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103416225
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Purchase of cleaning supplies and didactic material for use in the educational centerlocal title:: COMPRA DE INSUMOS DE ASEO Y MATERIAL DIDACTICO PARA USO EN EL CENTRO EDUCATIVOContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : COMPRA DE INSUMO S DE ASEO Y MATERIAL DIDACTICO PARA USO EN EL CENTRO EDUCATIVOGross Budget LC: : 2061.26 est_amount: 2061.26 lot_details: 1: Desinfectantes domésticos, 2: Jabones, 3: Desinfectantes domésticos, 4: Jabones, 5: Desodorantes de esterilización, 6: Cabezas de fregona, 7: Esponjas, 8: Esponjas, 9: Papel higiénico, 10: Alcohól o Licores, 11: Jabones, 12: Recogedores, 13: Escobas, 14: Bayetas o trapos de limpieza, 15: Bolsas de plástico, 16: Bolsas
Gt Ref Id - 103416225
Deadline - Mar 02, 2025
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