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Country - Tajikistan
Summary - Purchase Of Household, Office And Electrical Goods, Household And Office Equipment, Building Materials, Flower Seeds, Watches, Carpets, Furniture And Artificial Palm Trees Kharidi Molkhoi Khochagi, Kanseliari Va Barki Tekhniki, Molkhoi Maishi Va Tekhniki, Masolehi Sokhtmoni, Tukhmi Gulho, Soatkho, Kolin, Mebel Va Palmai Suni
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GT reference number - 99502402
Product classification - Medals
Address - Tajikistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99502402
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Household, Office And Electrical Goods, Household And Office Equipment, Building Materials, Flower Seeds, Watches, Carpets, Furniture And Artificial Palm TreesKharidi Molkhoi Khochagi, Kanseliari Va Barki Tekhniki, Molkhoi M aishi Va Tekhniki, Masolehi Sokhtmoni, Tukhmi Gulho, Soatkho, Kolin, Mebel Va Palmai Sunilocal title:: Закупка хозяйственных, канцелярских и электротехнических товаров, бытовой и оргтехники, строительных материалов, семена цветов, часов, ковров, мебели и искусственных пальмХариди молхои хо
Gt Ref Id - 99502402
Deadline - Dec 17, 2024
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