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Purchase Of Medicines

Сузакское социальное стц-е учр-е общего типа для пожилых и лиц с огранич-ми возможностями здоровья М Kyrgyzstan has Released a tender for Purchase Of Medicines in Healthcare and Medicine. The tender was released on Dec 17, 2024.

Country - Kyrgyzstan

Summary - Purchase Of Medicines

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 99980102

Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

Organization Details:

  Address - Kyrgyzstan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99980102

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Medicineslocal title:: ПОКУПКА МЕДИКАМЕНТОВContract Type: : SupplyGross Budget LC: : 43435.0 est_amount: 43435.0 lot_details: 1: AZITHROMYCIN 500 MG №3, 1: AMPICILLIN N/C 1.0., 1: ANTI-GRIPPIN INDIAN #4, 1: VITAMIN B 12,500 MIC 1 ML No. 10., 1: IODINE ALCOHOL 5%, 10.0, 1: CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10%, 10.0, No. 10, 1: LIDOCAINE 1%, 5.0, No. 10, 1: LINKAS BALM, 1: METOCLOPRAMIDE 0.5%, 2.0, No. 10, 1: METRONIDAZOLE, 1: MIDOKALM, 1: MUMMY CLEANSED, 1: NICOTINIC ACID, 1: NITROGLYCERIN 0.0005 No. 40, 1: GARE SENS TEST STRIPS, 1: TETRACYCLINE 0.1, No. 20., 1: PHENOBARBITAL 0.1 No. 50, 1: GLIBENCLAMIDE TAB 5MG #50, 1: ZINC OINTMENT, 1: CEFTRIAXONE N/S 1.0, 1:

Gt Ref Id - 99980102

Deadline - Dec 20, 2024

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