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Country - Georgia
Summary - Purchase Of Mulch Paint
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97581603
Product classification - Paints, varnishes and mastics
Address - Georgia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97581603
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Mulch paint - 300 kilograms (in packages of no more than 50 kilograms) Color - dark red (see photo sample)After the mulch has dried, an acceptable approximate color should be obtained with a single application;The paint offered by the te nderer should not require additional impurities/additives (except water) to paint the mulch;If it is necessary to dilute the paint with water, the paint required to paint 1 m3 of mulch should be diluted in no more than 60 liters of water;The content of heavy metals in the paint proposed by the bidder shall not exceed the following values:Total Cr (chromium) mass fraction, ppm - no more than 60;Cd (cadmium) mass fraction, ppm - no more than 75;Hg
Gt Ref Id - 97581603
Deadline - Nov 25, 2024
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