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Tamil Nadu Grama Bank (A Govt. owned scheduled bank Sponsored by Indian Bank) Regional Office, Namakkal – 637001, Ph: 04286 231503 TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF OLD VEHICLE Submitted by Mr/Mrs/Ms _ Full Name and Address _ _ 1. I Mr/Mrs/Ms._ (or) We, M/s _ (herein after called as the tenderer) have read the terms and conditions on the basis of which the vehicle (full description of which is given in schedule to this tender ) is offered for sale. In token of my/our acceptance of the terms and conditions, I/We have put my/our signature in a copy of terms and conditions, and the same is enclosed. 2. I / We hereby make the tender (offer) for the purchase of the vehicle (Vehicle reg No_) at the price quoted below and agree to hold this offer open for your acceptance and if successful, agree to take delivery of the vehicle in accordance with the time schedule to be intimated by you. 3. Bank draft no._, dated _, drawn by _(Branch) of _(Bank) at _(City) for Rs.10,000/-(Ten thousand only) favouring “Tamil Nadu Grama bank” payable at Namakkal is enclosed as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for the performance of the tender. (The DD should not be dated prior to the tender notice). 4. I/We shall not revoke the offer contained in this tender and shall not require Tamil Nadu Grama Bank to modify the terms and conditions. 5. In Case, I/We shall fail to observe and comply with the terms and conditions the EMD shall be forfeited by Tamil Nadu Grama Bank shall also be entitled to recover damages from me for breach of contract. 6. In case of any dispute or difference arising, I/We shall abide by the decision of the Regional Manager, Tamil Nadu Grama Bank, Regional Office, Namakkal or of any other executive of the Regional Office, Namakkal. 7. I /We undertake to pay GST as applicable Signature of the Tenderer Tamil Nadu Grama Bank (A Govt. owned scheduled bank Sponsored by Indian Bank) Regional Office, Namakkal – 637001, Ph: 04286 231503 DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE & TENDER REGN No TN 30 BB 2467 MAKE/MODEL Mahindra Bolero - 2014 Tender Amount (in words) Rupees _ _(Excluding GST) Tender amount (in figures ) Rs._/- Dated this _ day of _ 2023 Signature of Witness NAME ADDRESS Signature of the tenderer/s NAME ADDRESS MOBILE : EMAIL ID: Terms and Conditions: 1. Tender shall be filed in the tender forms prescribed by the Bank and the same can be downloaded from our Bank Website 2. If the tender is submitted by a person other than individual, the details relating to the constitution to be specified. 3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) shall be remitted by means of Demand Draft (DD) favouring “Tamil Nadu Grama Bank”. The demand draft shall not be dated earlier than the tender notice and payable at Namakkal. Money order/cash/postal order/ Bank Guarantee etc shall not be accepted in leiu of Demand Draft. 4. Tenders completed in all respects should be enclosed in a sealed cover super scribed thereon as “Tender for Mahindra Bolero TN 67 BB 2467”. Sealed tenders can be sent by registered post with acknowledgement due or in person. Tenders received by post will be considered only if the same is received by Bank within the stipulated time in tender notice and the date of posting shall not be considered as date of receipt of the tender form. 5. Last date for submission of tender is 27.072023 up to 3.00 PM. The tenders/ bid will be opened on 27.07.2023 at 4.00 PM at the above mentioned address. Tenderer participation is desirable at the time of opening of tenders. However, if representatives do not turn up at the appointed time and date, the tenders will be opened in their absence. 6. Bank reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. Bank reserves the right at its discretion to call for a fresh set of tenders or to sell the vehicle by public auction or to withdraw the vehicle from sale. 7. If the tender is accepted, the same will be intimated to the successful tenderer. The EMD deposited by him/ her shall be held as security deposit for due performance of the contract. 8. Successful tenderer will be required to deposit the full amount of the tender less the amount of EMD deposited along with that particular tender within 5 working days or on or before the date and time specified in the letter/telegram/email intimating acceptance of tender. Upon deposit of the full amount as aforesaid, and upon production of the intimation letters/telegram, the tenderer shall take delivery of the vehicle. Failure to deposit the balance within time specified shall be construed as breach, and the earnest money deposit will be forfeited without prejudice to Banks right to claim damages for breach of contract and expenses of resale of the vehicle without further notice, at his/her risk and cost. 9. No extension for making the payment after the period, as stipulated in para (8) above will be granted for the successful tenderer and the tenderer shall not be allowed to make part payments. However, Tamil Nadu Grama Bank may, in its sole discretion, entertain and consider request for extension of time for not more than 10 days for making the payment provided: a) The request has been made in writing and duly signed by the successful bidder himself/herself. b) The request has been received before the specified time limit for making the payment. c) The re |