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Country - Romania
Summary - Purchase Of Pesticides And Seeds Required Scda Caracal, Scdp Valcea And Sd Banu Mărăcine
Deadline - Mar 26, 2025
GT reference number - 103791930
Product classification - Pesticides
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103791930
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Purchase of pesticides and seeds required SCDA Caracal, SCDP Valcea and SD Banu Mărăcine from SCDA Caracal, SCDP Vâlcea and SD Banu Mărăcine within the University of Craiova according to tasks.The number of days up to which clarific ations can be requested before the deadline for submitting tenders/candidates is 18 days. To the extent that the requests for additional clarifications or information were addressed within the term provided in the participation announcement, the contracting authority's response to these requests must be sent on the 11th day before the deadline set for submitting offers.local title:: Achizitia de pesticide și semințe necesare SCDA Caracal, SCDP
Gt Ref Id - 103791930
Deadline - Mar 26, 2025
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