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Country - Belarus
Summary - Purchase Of Self-Adhesive Labels
Deadline - Dec 24, 2024
GT reference number - 99821035
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Belarus
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99821035
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: purchase of self-adhesive labelslocal title:: закупка этикетки самоклеящейсяlocal description: : закупка этикетки самоклеящейсяNet Budget LC: : 49560.0 est_amount: 49560.0 lot_detai ls: 1: Self-adhesive label size (mm): 57*117 "Staradauni Bicebsk yeast-free new" 5 colors in the amount of 800,000 pieces (thermo top material), 2: Self-adhesive label size (mm): 80*110 "Tea Coffee" 4 colors in quantity of 400,000 pieces (thermo eco material), 3: Self-adhesive label size (mm): 80*80 "Sunny taste" 5 colors in the amount of 600,000 pieces (thermo top material), 4: Self-adhesive label size (mm): 70*90 "Borodinsky" 5 colors in the am
Gt Ref Id - 99821035
Deadline - Dec 24, 2024
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