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Purchase Of Spare Parts And Lubricants To Vehicles

QUSAR KOMMUNAL MUƏSSISƏLƏRI KOMBINATI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Purchase Of Spare Parts And Lubricants To Vehicles in Chemicals. The tender was released on Mar 06, 2025.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Purchase Of Spare Parts And Lubricants To Vehicles

Deadline - Mar 19, 2025

GT reference number - 104465707

Product classification - Lubricating preparations

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104465707

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Spare Parts And Lubricants To Vehicleslocal title:: Nəqliyyat vasitələrinə ehtiyat hissələrin və sürtkü yağlarının satın alınması lot_details: 1: Error 500 (Server Error)!!1500.That’s an error.There was an e rror. Please try again later.That’s all we know., 2: Oil, 3: Wheel, 4: Snow-bolt, 5: F-1, 6: Engine oil, 7: Podsibook front Stupisa, 8: Podshibnik Rear Stupisa, 9: Dinamo, 10: Improvisation, 11: Oil filter, 12: Fuel filter, 13: Akummulyator 24A 190A, 14: Shape bridge, 15: Şesternya 15 teeth, 1: Air filter, 2: Fuel filter, 3: Engine oil, 4: Antifreeze, 5: Fredo, 6: ÇAŞKA FORSUNKA, 7: Oil, 8: Maxovik, 9: Motorcycle Poss, 10: Podshibnik Rear St

Gt Ref Id - 104465707

Deadline - Mar 19, 2025

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