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Purchase Of Spare Parts For Machines And Mechanisms

AZƏRBAYCAN MELIORASIYA VƏ SU TƏSƏRRUFATI ACIQ SƏHMDAR CƏMIYYƏTI SƏMKIRCAY SU ANBARI VƏ MAGISTRAL KANALLARIN ISTISMARI IDARƏSI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Purchase Of Spare Parts For Machines And Mechanisms in Machinery and Equipments. The tender was released on Feb 07, 2025.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Purchase Of Spare Parts For Machines And Mechanisms

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 102849675

Product classification - Earthmoving machinery

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 102849675

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Spare Parts For Machines And Mechanismslocal title:: Maşın və mexanizimlər üçün ehtiyyat hissələrinin satın alınması lot_details: 1: You are amartizator, 2: Rear shock absorber, 3: Rear axle with reducer, 4: Accu mulator ST-190, 5: Gearbox bridge, 6: Accumulator ST-100, 7: Tire 21.3-40, 8: Tire 235-75R/17.5, 9: Tire R20/8.25, 10: Tros, 11: Accumulator ST-60, 12: Cladistic-name, 13: Akkumlyator-ST-170, 14: Sleeve-ordinary, 15: Porshen-adi, 1: Turbo compressor

Gt Ref Id - 102849675

Deadline - Feb 20, 2025

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