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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Purchase Of Spare Parts, Plumbing, Ventilation, Boiler House And Spare Parts For Chemical Solutions, Fountains And Fankoils For The Pool
Deadline - Mar 14, 2025
GT reference number - 103810099
Product classification - Animal feedstuffs
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103810099
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Spare Parts, Plumbing, Ventilation, Boiler House And Spare Parts For Chemical Solutions, Fountains And Fankoils For The Poollocal title:: Hovuz üçün kimyəvi məhlulların, fəvvarələr və fankoyllar üçün ehtiyat his sələrin, santexnika mallarının, havalandırma, qazanxana və nasosxana avadanlıqlarının və ehtiyat hissələrinin satın alınması lot_details: 1: Katriarch, 2: Water Mixer Tulti, 3: Hygienic water mixer, 4: Hygienic shower hose, 5: Hose Ø15x3 / 8 tulty, 6: Şlanq Ø 15, 7: Water Mixer Settlement, 8: Arko crane Ø15x3/8, 9: Arko crane Ø15, 10: Touchs IP 160 Metr, 11: Booty, 12: Gigiyenic shower, 13: Unitaz connector, 14: Siphon Ø40, 1
Gt Ref Id - 103810099
Deadline - Mar 14, 2025
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