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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Purchase Of Stationery And Farm Goods
Deadline - Apr 04, 2025
GT reference number - 104757681
Product classification - Dyes and pigments
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104757681
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Stationery And Farm Goodslocal title:: Dəftərxana və təsərrüfat mallarının alışı lot_details: 1: Paper white A4 80gr 500 V, 2: Paper glue 36gr, 3: Paper glue 21gr, 4: Begotted paper white 80 * 80, 5: Notes 75x75 5 00V 4 Reng (Registered Paper- Glue), 6: Barber pen (whitening), 7: Pencil Simple Destroyed, 8: Shape, 9: Pen of the pen, 10: Pen Semi Gel, 11: Pen red, 12: Pen li black, 13: Marker in different colors, 14: Stationery, 15: Flash card (yaddaş 8GB), 1: Flash card (yaddaş 16GB), 2: Stellaj Iron Document Shelf 3's, 3: Transparent file A4 40mik, 4: POCT envelope A4 Logo, 5: POCT envelope A4 usual, 6: Folder transparent file pin, 7: Seal ink, 8: Skoç
Gt Ref Id - 104757681
Deadline - Apr 04, 2025
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