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Country - Tajikistan
Summary - Purchase Of Stationery, Household, Food And Soft Goods Inventory Purchase Of Stationery, Household Goods, Food Supplies And Soft Inventory
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 96508787
Product classification - Ceiling or wall light fittings
Address - Tajikistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 96508787
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Stationery, Household, Food And Soft Goods InventoryPurchase Of Stationery, Household Goods, Food Supplies And Soft Inventorylocal title:: Закупка канцелярских, хозяйственных , продукт в питания и мягкого инвентарияХариди молҳои канселярӣ, хоҷагидорӣ, маводҳои хурока ва инвентари нармContract Type: : Supply lot_details: 1: LED panel (lampshade), 2: Spotlight, 3: Oil heater, 4: Electric irons, 5: Tablecloth ,, 6: Ironing board, 7: Cleaning products, 8: Cleaning products, 9: Folder, 10: LED lamp, 11: Shoes, 12: Office paper, 13: Pencil, 14: Cor
Gt Ref Id - 96508787
Deadline - Nov 19, 2024
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