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Rehabilitation works of various types of public infrastructure damaged as a result of natural disasters in Baghdati Municipality (1. Strengthening the slope of the district road and restoring the Vakisi near the house of citizen Jumber Chautidze in the village of Pirveli Obcha, Chautidzeebi district 11652.91 l; 2. Arrangement of a drainage channel near the former winery in the village of Persati 54321 l; 3. Arrangement of a drainage channel at various locations on April 9 Street in the city of Baghdati 111168.8 l; 4. Arrangement of a drainage channel along the homestead plot of citizen Iamze Gorgodze and the internal district road on A. Shanidze Street in the city of Baghdati 7935.19 l; 5. Arrangement of a drainage channel on Davit Agmashenebeli Street in the city of Baghdati Salkhino Reinforcement of the shoulder of the road leading to the church 8655.64 L; 6. Arrangement of a drainage system along the Persati-Didvela-Rokiti-Vartsikhe road in the village of Rokiti 171922.22; 7. Reinforcement of the shoulder of the road and restoration of the carriageway near the Pipi family house in the Kvirikadze district of the village of Zeda Dimi 15719.23 L; 8. Cleaning of the existing drainage channel in the vicinity of the school in the village of Zeda Dimi and arrangement of a new drainage channel in addition 12769.39 L; 9. Arrangement of a slope support along the homestead plot of land of Nugzar Devidze in the village of Tsitelkhevi 168226.18 L; 10. In the village of Second Obcha, reinforcement of the curb on the Sabukia RC/concrete road 7628.35 L; 11. In the village of Second Obcha, restoration of the Vakisi of the Kedmagali sub-district road and reinforcement of the curb 2856.52 L; 12. In the village of First Obcha, restoration of the damaged road in the Sirbiladzeebi district and reinforcement of the road curb 33940.46 L; 13. In the village of First Obcha, reinforcement of the sub-district road curb near Avto Chautidze's house 23159 L; 14. In the village of First Obcha,

თვითმმართველი ერთეული ბაღდათის მუნიციპალიტეტი Georgia has Released a tender for Rehabilitation works of various types of public infrastructure damaged as a result of natural disasters in Baghdati Municipality (1. Strengthening the slope of the district road and restoring the Vakisi near the house of citizen Jumber Chautidze in the village of Pirveli Obcha, Chautidzeebi district 11652.91 l; 2. Arrangement of a drainage channel near the former winery in the village of Persati 54321 l; 3. Arrangement of a drainage channel at various locations on April 9 Street in the city of Baghdati 111168.8 l; 4. Arrangement of a drainage channel along the homestead plot of citizen Iamze Gorgodze and the internal district road on A. Shanidze Street in the city of Baghdati 7935.19 l; 5. Arrangement of a drainage channel on Davit Agmashenebeli Street in the city of Baghdati Salkhino Reinforcement of the shoulder of the road leading to the church 8655.64 L; 6. Arrangement of a drainage system along the Persati-Didvela-Rokiti-Vartsikhe road in the village of Rokiti 171922.22; 7. Reinforcement of the shoulder of the road and restoration of the carriageway near the Pipi family house in the Kvirikadze district of the village of Zeda Dimi 15719.23 L; 8. Cleaning of the existing drainage channel in the vicinity of the school in the village of Zeda Dimi and arrangement of a new drainage channel in addition 12769.39 L; 9. Arrangement of a slope support along the homestead plot of land of Nugzar Devidze in the village of Tsitelkhevi 168226.18 L; 10. In the village of Second Obcha, reinforcement of the curb on the Sabukia RC/concrete road 7628.35 L; 11. In the village of Second Obcha, restoration of the Vakisi of the Kedmagali sub-district road and reinforcement of the curb 2856.52 L; 12. In the village of First Obcha, restoration of the damaged road in the Sirbiladzeebi district and reinforcement of the road curb 33940.46 L; 13. In the village of First Obcha, reinforcement of the sub-district road curb near Avto Chautidze's house 23159 L; 14. In the village of First Obcha, in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Feb 13, 2025.

Country - Georgia

Summary - Rehabilitation works of various types of public infrastructure damaged as a result of natural disasters in Baghdati Municipality (1. Strengthening the slope of the district road and restoring the Vakisi near the house of citizen Jumber Chautidze in the village of Pirveli Obcha, Chautidzeebi district 11652.91 l; 2. Arrangement of a drainage channel near the former winery in the village of Persati 54321 l; 3. Arrangement of a drainage channel at various locations on April 9 Street in the city of Baghdati 111168.8 l; 4. Arrangement of a drainage channel along the homestead plot of citizen Iamze Gorgodze and the internal district road on A. Shanidze Street in the city of Baghdati 7935.19 l; 5. Arrangement of a drainage channel on Davit Agmashenebeli Street in the city of Baghdati Salkhino Reinforcement of the shoulder of the road leading to the church 8655.64 L; 6. Arrangement of a drainage system along the Persati-Didvela-Rokiti-Vartsikhe road in the village of Rokiti 171922.22; 7. Reinforcement of the shoulder of the road and restoration of the carriageway near the Pipi family house in the Kvirikadze district of the village of Zeda Dimi 15719.23 L; 8. Cleaning of the existing drainage channel in the vicinity of the school in the village of Zeda Dimi and arrangement of a new drainage channel in addition 12769.39 L; 9. Arrangement of a slope support along the homestead plot of land of Nugzar Devidze in the village of Tsitelkhevi 168226.18 L; 10. In the village of Second Obcha, reinforcement of the curb on the Sabukia RC/concrete road 7628.35 L; 11. In the village of Second Obcha, restoration of the Vakisi of the Kedmagali sub-district road and reinforcement of the curb 2856.52 L; 12. In the village of First Obcha, restoration of the damaged road in the Sirbiladzeebi district and reinforcement of the road curb 33940.46 L; 13. In the village of First Obcha, reinforcement of the sub-district road curb near Avto Chautidze's house 23159 L; 14. In the village of First Obcha,

Deadline - Mar 05, 2025

GT reference number - 103225733

Product classification - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work

Organization Details:

  Address - Georgia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103225733

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Please see the attached drawings and cost estimates for the exact quantity/volume of work to be performed.local title:: ბაღდათის მუნიციპალიტეტში სტიქიური მოვლენე ბის შედეგად დაზიანებული სხვადასხვა სახის საზოგადოებრივი ინფრასტრუქტურის რეაბილიტაციის სამუშაოები (1. სოფელ პირველ ობჩაში, ჭაუტიძეების უბანში მოქალაქე ჯუმბერ ჭაუტიძი

Gt Ref Id - 103225733

Deadline - Mar 05, 2025

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