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Country - Finland
Summary - Renewal Of The Water Cover Of The Kalanni Fire Station
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97150220
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Finland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97150220
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The construction project concerns the repair work of the water roof of the former building of the Kalanni fire station.The project replaces the old main building mass of the old fire station buildingtile roof with machine-seamed sheet me tal roof, and the roof shape of the related tower part is changed anda rainwater drainage system will be added to it at the same time. In addition, the glass facade system of the tower partwill be replaced as part of the new contract. The roof area of the old tile roof is 168 m2 (not checked) and the roof area of the tower part is 13 m².local title:: Kalannin paloaseman vesikatteen uusiminenContract Duration: : Aikaväli 19.12.2024 -
Gt Ref Id - 97150220
Deadline - Nov 19, 2024
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