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Renewal_Deratization And Desigration Of Military Training In Belfort, Epinal - Luxeuil, Saint - Dizier - Chaumont And Verdun - Lots 1 To 4

Ministere des armees France has Released a tender for Renewal_Deratization And Desigration Of Military Training In Belfort, Epinal - Luxeuil, Saint - Dizier - Chaumont And Verdun - Lots 1 To 4 in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Mar 24, 2025.

Country - France

Summary - Renewal_Deratization And Desigration Of Military Training In Belfort, Epinal - Luxeuil, Saint - Dizier - Chaumont And Verdun - Lots 1 To 4

Deadline - Apr 28, 2025

GT reference number - 105590124

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - France

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 105590124

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Processing services against pests and parasites for the benefit of organizations supported by the GSC de Belfort, Epinal - Luxeuil, Saint - Dizier - Chaumont and Verdun - Lots 1 to 4local title:: RENOUVELLEMENT_DERATISATION ET DESINSECTI SATION DES FORMATIONS MILITAIRES DE BELFORT, EPINAL - LUXEUIL, SAINT - DIZIER - CHAUMONT et VERDUN - LOTS 1 à 4Contract Type: : Supplylocal description: : PRESTATIONS DE TRAITEMENT CONTRE LES NUISIBLES ET LES PARASITES AU PROFIT DES ORGANISMES SOUTENUS PAR LES GSC DE BELFORT, EPINAL - LUXEUIL, SAINT - DIZIER - CHAUMONT ET VERDUN - LOTS 1 à 4 lot_details: 1: LOT 1 - BELFORT, 2: LOT 2 - EPINAL - LUXEUIL, 3: Lot 3 - Saint - Dizier - Chaumont, 4: L

Gt Ref Id - 105590124

Deadline - Apr 28, 2025

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