Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002
Country - Georgia
Summary - Repair And Rehabilitation Works Of Elevators In Residential Buildings Owned By Homeowners' Associations In The Isani District
Deadline - Jan 13, 2025
GT reference number - 99791831
Product classification - Building installation work
Address - Georgia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99791831
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 1.2.1 The list and quantity of the works to be performed are defined in Appendix 1 of the tender documentation. (In the process of production of work, in case of creation of new job position(s), compensation will be made from the buyer's side within the unit price of the new position determined by the report issued by the National Bureau of Forensic Expertise named after LLP - Levan Samkharauli, according to the actual costs determined by the expert report. The cost of the expert service is determined by the supplier .)1.2.2 The unit prices submitted by the bidder shall not exceed the threshold prices for the relevant unit specified in Appendix The cost estimate must be
Gt Ref Id - 99791831
Deadline - Jan 13, 2025
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