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Country - Colombia
Summary - Repair Water Leak In Bathroom On 2Nd Floor Of Primary School, Locate Leak, Break Wall, Ceiling And Floor, Includes Accessories, Patch, Paint And Replace Affected Tiles, Same Or Similar, Repair Leak In Water Connection
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97553983
Product classification - Paving slabs
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97553983
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Repair water leak in bathroom on 2nd floor of primary school, locate leak, break wall, ceiling and floor, includes accessories, patch, paint and replace affected tiles, same or similar, repair leak in drinking water connection to toilet, stainless steel accessory.local title:: Reparaciòn fuga de agua baño piso 2 primaria, localizar fuga, romper muro, techo y piso, incluye accesorios, resanar, pintar y reponer baldosas afectadas igual o similar, reparar fuga en conexòn aguaContract Duration: : 10Díaslocal description: : Reparaciòn fuga de agua baño piso 2 primaria, localizar fuga, romper muro, techo y piso, incluye accesorios, resanar, pintar y reponer baldosas afectadas ig
Gt Ref Id - 97553983
Deadline - Nov 28, 2024
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