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Country - Colombia
Summary - Request For Pre-Quotation Of Kitchen Materials
Deadline - Feb 12, 2025
GT reference number - 102412831
Product classification - Network cabling
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102412831
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Contract the supply of training materials required for the Kitchen Technician training program of the Industrial and Alternative Energy Center.local title:: Solicitud Precotización Materiales CocinaContract Duration: : 10Díaslocal desc ription: : Contratar el suministro de materiales de formación requeridos para el programa de formación Técnico en cocina del Centro Industrial y de Energías Alternativas. category: Cable de redes lot_details: 1: PULPO ENTERO, 2: ACEITE DE OLIVA EXTRA VIRGEN, 3: ACEITE VEGETAL, 4: ACEITUNAS VERDES, 5: ACHOTE, 6: AGRAZ, 7: AGUACATE, 8: AHUYAMA, 9: AJÍ CRIOLLO, 10: AJO, 11: ALAS DE POLLO, 12: ALBAHACA FRESCA (ATADO), 13: ALCAPARRA, 14: ALMEJA N
Gt Ref Id - 102412831
Deadline - Feb 12, 2025
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