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Request For Proposal Hotel Market Feasibility Study

CITY OF LEANDER United States has Released a tender for Request For Proposal Hotel Market Feasibility Study in Banking And Finance. The tender was released on Apr 06, 2023.

Country - United States

Summary - Request For Proposal Hotel Market Feasibility Study

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 64508000

Product classification - Feasibility study

Organization Details:

  Address - United States

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 64508000

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - The City of Leander, herein after “City”, seeks an agreement with a qualified Individual, Firm, or Corporation, herein “Respondent”, to conduct a market study to determine the feasibility of a Full-Service Hotel and Convention Center.The goal is to determine what type of hospitality project is economically feasible and what amenities will be needed. The study will be provided to potential hotel developers and brands that may be interested in developing in Leander. The purpose of the RFP is to solicit competitive proposals to prepare a Hotel Market Feasibility Study to assist in attracting a Full-Service Hotel and Convention Center.In 2021, the Texas Legislature passed HB 4103, allowi

Gt Ref Id - 64508000

Deadline - May 11, 2023

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