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Rescue Firefighting Vehicle (Hlf 10) According To Din 14530 - Part 26 Or Equivalent

Landeshauptstadt Dresden, GB Wirtschaft, Digitales, Personal und Sicherheit, Brand- und Katastrophenschutzamt Germany has Released a tender for Rescue Firefighting Vehicle (Hlf 10) According To Din 14530 - Part 26 Or Equivalent in Automobiles and Auto Parts. The tender was released on Nov 20, 2024.

Country - Germany

Summary - Rescue Firefighting Vehicle (Hlf 10) According To Din 14530 - Part 26 Or Equivalent

Deadline - Jan 09, 2025

GT reference number - 97927169

Product classification - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation

Organization Details:

  Address - Germany

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 97927169

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Production and delivery of HLF 10 according to DIN 14530 - Part 26 or equivalent for the state capital Dresdenlocal title:: Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeug (HLF 10) nach DIN 14530 - Teil 26 oder gleichwertigContract Type: : Supplylocal desc ription: : Fertigung und Lieferung HLF 10 nach DIN 14530 - Teil 26 oder gleichwertig für die Landeshauptstadt Dresden dispatch_date: 2024-11-19 00:00:00 lot_details: 1: Rescue firefighting vehicle (HLF 10) according to DIN 14530 - Part 26 or equivalent

Gt Ref Id - 97927169

Deadline - Jan 09, 2025

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