Organization Name: | terre des hommes Germany |
Country: | India |
Contact Person: | |
Address: | Location: India , |
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Notice Details: | |
Notice Type | Tender Notice |
Bidding Type | Other |
Notice No. | 74016614 |
Deadline | 2023-11-15 |
Description | RFP from Reputed Agencies to Conduct a Feasibility Study for the Project to be implemented in India supported by BMZ. terre des hommes Germany terre des hommes (tdh) Germany, an international children's rights organisation,is developing a projecttitled “G-SAFE+: Generating Safe Areas For Everyone, Including LGBTIQ+ Communities in Eastern India”to be implemented in the cities of Kolkata, Ranchi and Bhubaneswar. The project aims at creating safe and inclusive urban spaces for women and children, increasing visibility and participation for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, and promoting gender equality. The Project will be presented to BMZ for support. A feasibility study has been proposed for the above-mentioned project, toprovide terre des hommes Germany, the partner organization(s) and all stakeholders involved with a sound basis for the elaboration of the full project proposal by clarifying prerequisites, assumptions, opportunities and risks. The feasibility study needs to provide an expert opinion on the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed project proposal (objectives, measures and key activities) and to evaluate whether the proposed solutions are expected to meet the desired benefits. The duration of the consultancy is for 35 days and is expected to be finalised by 25-12- 2023. Please submit the technical and financial proposal totdhgip2021@gmail.comby 15.11.2023 with subject line as “Consultancy to conduct a feasibility study for the project proposal “G-SAFE+” The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the consulting services and other details are outlined in the attached RFP. Interested individual/agencies need to send their Technical and Financial Proposal along with the CVs (not more than 3 pages) of her/his team members The individual/organisation should have at least 8 years of experience in conducting research/evaluation, report writing of similar nature of studies preferably on the issues of gender, women and child rights. The last date of the receipt of proposals along with a sample write up of the previous work done is on 15.11.2023. Proposals submitted after the last date/ incomplete proposals will be rejected. Only shortlisted agencies will be contacted for further selection process.1 |
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