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Rmk Hydraulic Cylinder, Oil Pump, Solenoid Valve Assembly, Electric Motor Bearings.

ВІДДІЛ ОСВІТИ, КУЛЬТУРИ, МОЛОДІ ТА СПОРТУ НОВООЛЕКСАНДРІВСЬКОЇ СІЛЬСЬКОЇ РАДИ ДНІПРОВСЬКОГО РАЙОНУ ДНІПРОПЕТРОВСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ Ukraine has Released a tender for Rmk Hydraulic Cylinder, Oil Pump, Solenoid Valve Assembly, Electric Motor Bearings. in Automobiles and Auto Parts. The tender was released on Jan 15, 2025.

Country - Ukraine

Summary - Rmk Hydraulic Cylinder, Oil Pump, Solenoid Valve Assembly, Electric Motor Bearings.

Deadline - Jan 15, 2026

GT reference number - 101509150

Product classification - Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars

Organization Details:

  Address - Ukraine

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 101509150

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Rmk Hydraulic Cylinder, Oil Pump, Solenoid Valve Assembly, Electric Motor Bearings.local title:: Гідроциліндр РМК, масляний насос, електроклапан в зборі, підшипники електро двигу.Gross Budget LC: : 16750.0 est_amount: 16750.0 lot_details: 1: Hydraulic cylinder RMK, 2: Oil pump, 3: Solenoid valve assembly, 4: Electric motor bearings, 5: Oil for the oil station

Gt Ref Id - 101509150

Deadline - Jan 15, 2026

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