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S95510/220-Dion7/2024. 5071 Wals, Schwarzenberg Barracks, Self-Sufficiency, Emergency Power Supply

Direktion 7 - Infrastruktur Austria has Released a tender for S95510/220-Dion7/2024. 5071 Wals, Schwarzenberg Barracks, Self-Sufficiency, Emergency Power Supply in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Nov 26, 2024.

Country - Austria

Summary - S95510/220-Dion7/2024. 5071 Wals, Schwarzenberg Barracks, Self-Sufficiency, Emergency Power Supply

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98401052

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Austria

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98401052

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Construction of emergency power systems including automatic switching and renewal or replacement of the existing low-voltage systems in the existing transformer stations.local title:: S95510/220-Dion7/2024. 5071 Wals, Schwarzenberg Kaser ne, Autarkie, NotstromversorgungContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Errichtung von Netzersatzanlagen inkl. automatischer Umschaltung und Erneuerung bzw. Austausch der bestehenden Niederspannungsanlagen in den bestehenden Trafostationen. category: works lot_details: 1: 5071 Wals, Schwarzenberg barracks, self-sufficiency, emergency power supply

Gt Ref Id - 98401052

Deadline - Dec 10, 2024

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