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INDIAN DRUGS & PHARMACEUTIVALS LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) CIN No. U24231HR1961G01003418 Gurgaon Plant, Delhi-Gurgaon Road Dundahera, Gurugram-122016 Phone No: - 0124-2340035 Tender Enquiry No. IDP/GRG/CONTRACT/P&A/ESTT/2023-24/ Dated: 22.06.2023 Sealed quotations are invited from registered Contractors for Scavenging, Cleaning, House Keeping, Environment improvement and related jobs as specified in Tender Document on contract at IDPL Gurugram Plant & Township. The sealed quotations should be submitted in two separate envelops. Envelops (i) to be marked as technical bid and Envelop (ii) to be marked as financial bid. Both the sealed envelopes (i) and (ii) to be put in an outer sealed envelope marking tender No. IDP/GRG/CONTRACT/P&A/ESTT/2023-24 and date of opening. The sealed quotation should reach our office latest by 17.07.2023 on 1400 hrs. Technical bid will be open on the same day at 1500 hrs. While financial bid will be opened on 17.07.2023 (of those parties who qualified the technical bid) in presence of the tenders. Tender documents can be download from our website. . The manpower contractor should have all valid statutory registration with ESIC, EPFC, Labour Department, under shops and establishment act and PAN No and GST No etc. EMD @ 2% of the quoted value of tender i.e. Rs. 15,800/- has to be deposited in form of the bank draft/bankers cheque favouring IDPL, GURGAON PLANT, payable at Gurugram. For Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited Sr. Personnel Executive Regd.Office: IDPL Complex, Corporate Office, Delhi-Gurgaon Road, Dundahera, Gurugram-122016 (Haryana) 1. ANNEXURE – I NAME OF WORK: CLEANING & SCAVENGING WORK AT IDPL GURUGRAM PLANT AND TOWNSHIP FOR ONE YEAR i.e. from 01.08.2023 to 31.07.2024 LABOUR REQUIREMENT FOR THE JOB 1. Saphai Karamchari 04 Nos. (Category Un-skilled) 2. Mali 01 Nos. (Category Un-skilled) JOB SPECIFICAION S.No Description of work/Job Specification 1. A) Cleaning and scavenging work of the roads and drains of plant underground and storm water including manholes. Culverts internal manholes, drains of the building areas of IDPL , ETP and disposing of the sweeping waste (nonsaleable)/garbage/refuse etc. and silt removed from the drains and manholes to the disposing ground of IDPL, Gurugram plant and township as per the direction of the concerned authority. B) Daily sweeping and cleaning including removing and disposing of the sweeping waste from the following blocks: -Administrative Block, Commercial Store, Mechanical Office, Outer area of Electrical Sub Station, Generator House, other building areas of IDPL as well as township gates as per the direction and instruction of the concerned authority. C) Daily cleaning, washing with cleaning detergents of all uninals wash basin, toilets of field office and other building areas of IDPL. Removing of the cob-webs from the working areas as per the direction of the concerned authority. D) Contractor has to make the proper arrangements for the cleaning of all windowpanes and Glasses and doors etc. of the Administrative Block and other building areas of IDPL. E) The Contractor has to make the proper arrangements for collecting the waste papers etc. from the lawns of the plant and the surrounding areas of the blocks included in the contract to keep the area neat and clean. F) Environment improvement measures like cutting of grass, planting of flowering plants, care and maintenance of lawns and flower beds, painting of trees, culverts, road linings etc. G) Garbage accumulated/collected in IDPL Township must be disposed-off once in fortnight outside the complex. 2 2 QUOTATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR THE ABOVE SANITATION/CLEANING JOB SEPARATELY: WITHOUT MATERIAL IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT ON THE LETTER HEADS OF THE COMPANY AND DULY SIGNED. a) FOR UN-SKILLED CATEGORY (SAPHAI KARAMCHARI) Saphai Karamchari: Number Required: 04 Nos. Sr.No Description Amount (Rs.) 1 Haryana Minimum wages as on 01.01.2023 9408.15 2 E.P.F. @ (12 %) 3 E.S.I @ (3.25 %) 4 E.D.L.I @ (1.00 %) 5 Service charges should be based on wages only 6 TOTAL (1+2+3+4+5) 7 GST @ 18 % and as applicable 8 Total Charges per person per month 9 Total Charges for 04 persons per month b) FOR UN-SKILLED CATEGORY (MALI) Mali: Number Required: 01 No. Sr.No Description Amount (Rs.) 1 Haryana Minimum wages as on 01.01.2023 10532.84 2 E.P.F. @ (12 %) 3 E.S.I @ (3.25 %) 4 E.D.L.I @ (1.00 %) 5 Service charges should be based on wages only 6 TOTAL (1+2+3+4+5) 7 GST @ 18 % and as applicable 8 Total Charges per person per month 9 Total Charges for 01 person per month NOTE: Serial No 2 to 9 to be filled by the contractor. Total cost for one month (a+b) = Total Annual Value of total requirement of 05 persons = 3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Rates for Sanitation and Cleaning Contract should be quoted strictly as per the directions given in job specifications on the letter head of party according to format given. 2. The Labour Contractor should be liable for due observation implementation of the statutory conditions/requirement of labour laws as applicable to his workmen, during the contract. 3. The Labour Contractor must have following statutory Registrations Photocopy submit along with Technical bid a) Registration with ECPF b) Registration with ESI c) Registration with Labour Dep’t., Haryana/Contractor License. d) PAN Number e) Registration under shops and establishment Act. f) Copy of Proprietorship/Company registration g) Registration of GST (Goods & Service Tax) Self-attested photocopy of the above documents (a to g) are compulsory with details of Company profile and experience should be submitted with quotation. Without which
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