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Country - Brazil
Summary - Semi-Integrated Contracting Of A Company To Prepare An Executive Project And Carry Out Works To Rebuild 4 Bridges, In Reinforced Concrete, In The Locations Of Lajeado Do Meio - Bridge 01, Location Of Barrinha (Borghetti), Lajeado Do Meio (Leandro.
Deadline - Feb 17, 2025
GT reference number - 100432925
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Brazil
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100432925
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Semi-Integrated Contracting Of A Company To Prepare An Executive Project And Carry Out Works To Rebuild 4 Bridges, In Reinforced Concrete, In The Locations Of Lajeado Do Meio - Bridge 01, Location Of Barrinha (Borghetti), Lajeado Do Mei o (Leandro.local title:: Contratação semi-integrada de empresa para elaboração de projeto executivo e execução de obras de Reconstrução de 04 pontes, em concreto armado, nas localidades de Lajeado do Meio - Ponte 01, Localidade de Barrinha (Borghetti), Lajeado do Meio(Leandro.Gross Budget LC: : 537649.96 est_amount: 537649.96 lot_details: 1: Semi-integrated contracting of a company to prepare an executive project and carry out works to re
Gt Ref Id - 100432925
Deadline - Feb 17, 2025
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