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Service (External and Internal) Façade Cleaning - Façade & Cradle Maintenance

EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICAN TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BANK (TDB BANK) South Africa has Released a tender for Service (External and Internal) Façade Cleaning - Façade & Cradle Maintenance in Services. The tender was released on Jul 15, 2023.

Country - South Africa

Summary - Service (External and Internal) Façade Cleaning - Façade & Cradle Maintenance

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 68891362

Product classification - Cleaning services

Organization Details:

  Address - South Africa

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 68891362

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR MAINTENANCESERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS (SLA)BACKGROUND:Trade and Development Bank (TDB), formerly known as PTA Bank, is a specialized Africanmultilateral financial institution serving most of Eastern and Southern Africa. The Bank’s objectiveis to provide short, medium and long-term financing to viable projects and trade finance activitiesin member states.TDB is currently Located at a commercial building -TDB Tower along Lenana Road oppositethe former Sri Lanka High Commission. The proposed office building consists of a 19-storeyed(Ground + 18 floors and three Basements) Grade A office tower. Construction of the EDGE-Certifiedbuilding, which is serving as the Ba

Gt Ref Id - 68891362

Deadline - Jul 18, 2023

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