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Country - Bulgaria
Summary - "Service For Maintenance, Servicing, Preventive Maintenance, Repair And Provision Of Spare Parts For Installations Located On The Territory Of Op "Chistota Eco" By Separate Items: Separate Item No. 1: "Service For Maintenance, Servicing, Preventive Maintenance, Repair And Provision Of Spare Parts For Pre-Separation Installation", Separate Item No. 2" Continues In Section Vt-24-Procedure
Deadline - Jan 06, 2025
GT reference number - 99387399
Product classification - Refuse and waste related services
Address - Bulgaria
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99387399
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: continued from BT-21-Procedure:: "Service for maintenance, servicing, preventive maintenance, repair and provision of spare parts for a Separation Installation", Separate position No. 3: "Service for maintenance, servicing, preventive ma intenance, repair and provision of spare parts for a Baling Installation""BT-24-Procedure: Performance of services for maintenance, servicing, preventive maintenance, repair and provision of spare parts for installations located on the territory of OP "Chistota Eco" under separate positions, as follows:OP 1 - The pre-separation installation consists of: Receiving hopper with crushing drum and feeding chain gear; Inclined chevron belt conveyor; Ma
Gt Ref Id - 99387399
Deadline - Jan 06, 2025
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